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Only A Dose of Excel for Analytical Calculations

Excel is definitely the most advanced spreadsheet and calculation application ever created. It offers a practical way of applying almost any kind of batch computation, statistical operations, or simple logical algorithms. The fact that it is so comprehensive and practical makes the use of Excel attractive in laboratory processes as it is in every field.

When this is the case, many processes such as inventory records of standards or chemicals, calculations of different kinds of analyse or, business plans are tried to be managed on Excel in a relatively uncontrolled and unorganized manner. For analytical calculations, Excel files containing locked formulas are used, under the definition of validated Excel sheets. Because Excel is a non-GMP compliant application, it cannot be validated under GMP regulations, but it can be locked by verifying the formulas it contains. In this case, these files can only be used for verified calculations, but no data can be saved inside.

Manage covers all areas where Excel is used in the laboratory, in addition, it embeds the advanced features that Excel offers for calculation in the test method of each product, allowing its use in analysis records in accordance with GMP. Only a dose of Excel for analytical calculations.

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