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Analysis Recording

The analysis registration module in Manage stands at the heart of all processes. The analysis module receives, processes and correlates data recorded in all other modules; in this way, it allows analysts to enter data in the most practical and error-free manner.  

The analysis module is like an maestro that collects and processes data from other modules, and manages the entered data for processing in other modules.

Let's clarify all this data collection and processing process through an example. For example, a column used during the analysis recording is taken into use by clicking the 'Start usage' button. In order to select the right column, Manage filters the appropriate columns according to the test method and presents them to the analyst. If you want to enter a record in a column that is in use, information about who is using the column for what, is displayed. It also sends information to the column module such as how long the column has been used, performance parameters, and for what purpose in which analysis. There are similar interactions between the analysis module and all other modules in Manage. 

Minimum Records Entry, Maximum Yield

All recording processes in Manage are designed to allow analysts to enter as few records as possible. Most data is automatically recorded and used by Manage in other modules and processes. A record is entered once in a field and used everywhere. Manage is enough for you for all your GMP based recording processes in the laboratory!

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Data Collection from Any Environment: Balance, Analysis Reports, Even Directly from Computer Screen

Manage can read the analysis reports from CDS systems and laboratory devices with high success and fills in the result fields. Don't worry on how to integrate your LIMS system with all the diverse kind of  systems in the laboratory, just put the report you generated into Manage. It can also read and save the texts that are open on your computer display. Data from laboratory balances can be collected wirelessly as well.

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Analysis Report and Certificate at Your Service

As the records are entered, the analysis records report and analysis certificate are updated in line with the defined formats. There is no need for analysts to write separate ledgers or prepare certificates anymore, Manage always keeps them ready for you.

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One-Click Inventory Control

Whether it is a single analysis or a group of analyses planned for a timeframe; you can check the availability of the necessary materials, devices and columns, and whether there is sufficient stock. 

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Up-To-Date Analyst or Product Performance Evaluation

With the data collected in the analysis module, you can always view up-to-date analyst or product efficiencies. All your data assessments and KPI's are at your fingertips with defined chart, indicator and report formats, just as you want to see them.

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