Step by Step Manage Implementation in Pharmactive
Pharmactive Pharmaceuticals is a large-scale, modern and innovative global supplier of pharmaceuticals operating in Turkey, where we successfully implemented or LIMS solution, Manage.
The result: Fluent and integrated business processes, traceable and accessible laboratory data, instant yield indicators, readily prepared reports and much more. In this way, we have not only increased efficiency, but also commissioned tools to measure efficiency in the laboratory. Thus, we have provided a real laboratory management based on objective data and measurements.

At Pharmactive, we set out together to radically change the laboratory analytical recording and working system. We started the process with Manage demo installation and carried out our work on a certain number of projects and with a certain number of computers. After careful process analysis, time and project planning, we identified responsible key personnel and started to transfer the laboratory processes to the Manage system, step by step.
A Quick and Effective Start
In the first stage, standard, instrument, column, logbook recording is implemented. Following the inventory definitions, we started to track up-to-date stocks on Manage. We provided more practical use by implementing barcode labeling. Next step was to configure Manage to send information reports to material and instrument responsibles, containing data about materials whose expiration dates are near or whose stocks are low.

Advanced Test Information Definitions
While stock and inventory studies continued, test methods were defined in parallel. We have defined sophisticated information, such as materials to be used in test methods, instruments, specifications, expected test durations, calculation templates, and even decimal digit numbers in line with the company procedures. We also integrated our work with the quality assurance department forfinal test method control and approval process.

Transition to the Analysis Process
After putting the approved methods into use for analysis records, we have started to follow the revisions and changes of the test methods through Manage. After a short while operating in parallel with paper-based system, analysis recording operations were completely transferred to Manage as the sole system. The designs of the reports such as the analysis record report and the analysis certificate were completed, and these reports were instantly produced by Manage in the desired format, in multilingual format.

A Challenging Process
In all these processes, we have always worked together with Pharmactive as Lex Software Solutions and acted quickly to create solutions for issues, that need improvement and problems that need to be resolved. We carried out the testing and documentation processes together with the CSV team. Currently, Manage continues to be used successfully in Pharmactive Quality Control Laboratory. In addition, although not in our initial plan, the R&D laboratory also uses the modules related to stock and usage registration.
At Pharmactive, we have not only increased efficiency, but also created tools to measure efficiency. We have provided a fluent, data-driven and GMP-compliant laboratory management. Our system has successfully passed many domestic and foreign authority inspections.
Our journey to the best with Pharmactive continues with pride and excitement!