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Do Not Ask: How is it Going?

Do not ask your lab workers how it is going, because status changes of analysis and many other types of records can be tracked at a glance on Manage. When analysis recording has started, paused or an out of specification result entered, analysis responsibles are notified immediately. In addition to status information, laboratory managers can access many advanced and meaningful data, such as the status information of analyses, if they have been repeated or not, and even if an analysis is referred to another one. A lot of information about the laboratories overall workload and analysis processes can be obtained at a glance.

A similar tracking system is also in place for standards, chemicals and alike. A notification can be displayed when the stock amount of a standard is critical or a standard that you are waiting for, has been registered in Manage. Manage notifications are kept in the message center and can be viewed in bulk even if you are not in front of the computer screen.

By using such a system, you can master all the processes in your laboratory and can provide a much more effective laboratory management. For this reason, if you have Manage in your laboratory, please do not ask your employees how they are doing.

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