After an analysis is done in any CDS system, results are usually converted into PDF files via defined report formats and archived under folders in a common network storage. These files are then used to read the results and export them to a LIMS/ELN system or SAP. These files are also used for result checking within the laboratory, or by non-laboratory departments, such as quality assurance, to perform final checks or result approvals of analyses.
Bu sistemin CDS raporlarının doğru klasörün tespit edilip içine yazılması ve gerektiğinde yine klasör sistemi içerisinde bulunarak okunması gibi zorlukları vardır. Aynı zamanda bu cihaz raporlarının, GMP uyumlu bir şekilde analiz kayıtlarıyla ilişkilendirilmesi de pratik uygulamada sıkıntılara yol açmaktadır. This system has difficulties such as detecting the correct folder on the network and saving the CDS reports in it and accessing again by locating them in the archive storage when necessary. In addition, associating these reports with analysis records in accordance with GMP, causes problems in practical application.
By adding the CDS report as an attachment to the analysis record in Manage, association and access problems with the analysis reports storage can be avoided, and the report can be viewed directly in the analysis record.
But there is a much more striking benefit of storing CDS reports within the Manage LIMS system. Manage can read your results tables and automatically fill in the relevant fields in your analysis record by extracting the results from it. In this way, great labor savings can be made and a more accurate result entry can be achieved, especially in analyzes containing many samples or impurity results.